Construction site logistics and delivery to construction sites, in general, can be demanding. Drivers need green cards or security clearances, the materials arrive at different times during the day or in an unmanageable form.

Construction site deliveries often require additional preparations or delivery equipment such as a crane truck, consolidations, or permits. We have extensive experience building up our own expertise around deliveries to construction sites.


Construction site logistics services

  • our drivers hold green cards / HSE cards, to deliver to construction sites

  • safety clarifications for drivers where required (eg government quarter)

  • the drivers have their own equipment for delivery to construction sites, as

    • safety shoes

    • helmets

    • visibility clothing

    • reversing cameras on vehicles

  • daily deliveries to all major construction sites, with all vehicles and equipment

    • van

    • crane truck

    • truck

  • the drivers are briefed on and well acquainted with the routines of delivery for the various goods receipts on the construction site

  • we are specialists in deliveries of HVAC / electrical, electrical and window products 

  • consolidation of shipments via terminal and various suppliers

    • reduce number of transports to the construction site

    • easy to deliver entire shipments at agreed delivery time

  • delivery at night to construction sites, where the driver locks the goods into containers or a pre-agreed place

  • possibility for IT integrations with main contractor's goods receipt system


Do you need deliveries to your construction site? Contact us for a chat!

Pricing and booking

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Thomas Haaland

Thomas Haaland

Senior Sales Executive
A branded ColliCare truck on the road by the ocean in Norway, ready to transport goods and cargo